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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  September 17, 2015 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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>> pelley: the newcomer takes on the front-runner. >> i think women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. ( applause ). >> pelley: fiorina grabs the spotlight in her prime-time debut. also tonight, g.m. settles a criminal investigation with cash. >> someone should have gone to jail. many people probable should have gone to jail. >> pelley: 'tis the season for flu shots. how effective will they be? and women give in to their husbands' greatest fantasy. >> we felt if you can't beat them, join them. >> pelley: we're talking football, folks. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: donald trump is the man to beat and beat on him they did at the second republican debate. they took on the front-runner one after another led by carly
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fiorina. she fought her way into the prime-time face-off and kept on swinging. 23 million people watched, just a million fewer than the first debate, and major garrett begins our coverage. >> reporter: donald trump clashed early on with former florida governor jeb bush. >> he wanted casino gambling in florida. >> i did not. >> yes you did. >> totally false. >> you wanted it. >> reporter: trump and former hewlett-packard c.e.o. carly fiorina dissected each other's business careers. >> the company is a disaster, and continues to be a disaster. >> you ran up mountains of debt, as well as losses, using other people's money and you were forced to file for bankruptcy not once-- >> i never filed for bankruptcy. >> not twice, four times, a record four times. why should we trust you to manage the finances of this nation? >> pelley: new jersey governor chris christie, trailing in the polls and often accused of self-promotion called time-out. >> we don't want to hear about
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your careers back and forth, and volleying back and forth about who did well and who did poorly. you're both successful people. congratulations. you know who is not successful? the middle class in this country who is getting plowed over by barack obama and hillary clinton. >> reporter: on foreign policy bush cape and the islands to his brother's defense, when donald trump said it was george w. bush's iraq war that led to barack obama. >> it was such a disaster, abraham lincoln couldn't have been ected. >>un what? as it relates to my brother, there's one thing i know for sure. he kept us safe. >> reporter: when trump said he's too biz tow know the finer details of middle east politics, marco rubio suggested trump is not ready to be commander in chief. >> you should ask questions about the foreign policy issues our president will confront. >> reporter: but it was fiorina who scored the night's most memorable moment when she asked if she bought trump's explanation that he was talking
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about her persona when he said in an interview, "look at that face. would anyone vote for that? >> i think women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. ( applause ) >> reporter: when the conversation turned to substance and policy details, there was a stretch of time more than 35 minutes where donald trump just watched, saying nothing. he wasn't asked a question, but he didn't interject, either. scott, it was a rare sequence in this campaign where trump wasn't trying to drive the conversation and it led credence to the criticism that he may not be enough to be an effective president. >> pelley: major garrett in our los angeles newsroom tonight and we asked nancy cordes to fill us in on carly fiorina. >> what i would do immediately is begin rebuilding the sixth fleet. >> reporter: in a sea of generalities, fiorina stands out for her specificities. >> you have not heard a plan about iran from any politician up here. here's my plan. >> reporter: she working to cash out a nearby, as a political outsider who has studied up. >> vladimir putin is someone we
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should not talk to. >> reporter: fiorina wouldn't be an outsider if he should won her senate race in california in 2010. she lost by 10 points, hurt by her rocky tenure at hewlett-packard and her image as a failed c.e.o. >> fiorina laid off 30,000 people. >> and she shipped our jobs to china. >> and india. >> reporter: even now, her business record is both her calling card-- >> i led hewlett-packard through a very difficult time. >> reporter: and her biggest vulnerabilities. >> she can't run any of my companies. that i can tell you. >> reporter: fiorina argues her decision to merge h.p. with compaq paid off in the long run. was there a way to conduct the merge they're wouldn't have required laying off so many people? >> let me give you an example. when you have two companies that each employ literally continues upon tens of thousands of people you don't need two chief financial officers pup don't
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need two general counsels. we grew the the sales force, we grew the engineering force. >> reporter: that straightforward style has won applause from party leaders. last night she was the only candidate to say she wouldn't put a woman on the $10 bill. on "cbs this morning" she explained why. >> well, because i think politics is full of empty gestures, and people are tired of empty gestures. >> reporter: fiorina says if she's the nominee, hillary clinton won't be able to play what she calls the gender card. but on so many so-called women's issues, scott, from planned parenthood to paid maternity leave, fiorina's views are identical to the men she shared the stage with last night. >> pelley: now, nancy, stay there with us for just a moment. we want to bring in john dickerson, our cbs news political anchor. we want to bring in major garrett. ben carson, nobody is talking about him. >> solid but not soaring would be the way most people would rate his performance. he didn't have an opportunity to
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have a moment like he did in the first debate, where he could talk about race and his unique perspective based on his life as a neurosurgeon. didn't butt it doesn't mean ben carson supporters are going to peel off. but if they do, the likely inheritor, carly fiorina, who had many memorable moments is also an outsider and could take away support north only from carson, but also from trump. scott, many republicans who are trying to get their arms around this race i talked to today expect carly fiorina to be the next exwraefs poll challenger to donald trump. >> pelley: john what, about trump? was he trumped? >> reporter: after his first debate his opponents said it was things he said that got him in trouble and that didn't happen. after this debate, they said it's the things he didn't say. the point is he lacking the specifics for the job. when i called around and talked to some trump supporters they still were all for him. they were like, "this is a debate. it doesn't matter. he can get the job done. we're still for him." but it does suggest his ability
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to grow his vote by showing that he's ready for the job, that he knows what it takes, that might be limited. >> pelley: nancy, the governors who are running are in single digits. did anybody come out ahead? >> reporter: i think jeb bush in particular needed to show donors and supporters that he still has the jews joan lewis that made him a front-runner at one time. while i don't think anyone would say he won the debate last night, he certainly showed more passion, more fire than he did in his first outing. >> pelley: john, who do you think is in trouble? >> nancy managed the backers. scott walker was on the phone today with people writing checks for his campaign trying to figure out how they feel about what he has done. he didn't grab an opportunity in that debate. and his campaign has been stumbling a little and he missed an opportunity. people supporting his campaign were talking about staff shake-ups. but scott walker has work to do and he missed an opportunity with the debate. >> pelley: john dickerson, nancy cordes, major garrett, thanks very much. and hillary clinton will be john's guest this sunday on
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"face the nation." general motors will write a check to fend off criminal charges over a bungled recall blamed for more than 100 deaths. $900 million to settle the federal charges, another $575 million to settle civil lawsuits. criticism rained on the justice deparment because while g.m. admitted it concealed a fatal flaw, no one will be prosecuted. here's jeff glor. >> the individuals at g.m. need to be held accountable. >> reporter: laura chrisitian believes someone at general motors should have gone to jail. her 16-year-old daughter amber died in a chevy cobalt 10 years ago. g.m. spent the next decade denying there was any safety issue with a faulty ignition switch, but the company has now agreed to pay out compensation for 124 deaths and 275 injuries. >> i just feel bad for all the other parents out there that will never feel like they have
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received true justice. >> reporter: the ignition switch in affected vehicles could be bumped or jarred, moving it from the run to accessory or off position. that shuts the car off, disabling vehicle safety systems, including airbags. g.m. admits several of the employees knew about the problem and that people might have died as a result, but drivers were never warned and no recalls were issued until february of last year. despite that evidence, the department of josefina says it's not enough to charge any individual with a crime. u.s. attorney preet bharara: >> a lot of families we've spoken to are bitterly disappointed by this. are you saying you didn't have the evidence or you don't have the authority? >> it's not case it's actually a criminal violation to put into the stream of commerce a defective automobile that might kill people. the crimes that we can charge are based on laws that actually exist. >> reporter: g.m.'s c.e.o. mary barra said in an employee town hall this afternoon that the company is committed to
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change from the inside. >> i have said many times i wish i could turn back the clock. if we could, we would, but we can't. what we can do is make sure we respond in the right way, and we have done that in this case, and we will continue to do so in everything. >> reporter: there is currently legislation proposed in the senate that would make miviolations of car safety standards a crime. lobbyists, including g.m., have fought that in the past. >> pelley: well, there was a lot of speculation this this would be the day that the federal reserve raised interest rates for the first time in nearly nine years. but if wasn't. anthony mason has been looking into what happened. anthony. >> reporter: scott, fed chairman janetielen held off. in a news conference she said the recovery has reached
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sufficiently far that an argument to raise rates could be made but she said the slowdown in china and other countries bears close watching and the fed which has kept rates near zero since late 2008 has voted to keep them there a little while longer. >> pelley: is there a possibility of a rate increase later in the year? >> reporter: i think s scott. one fed member did vote for higher rates today and in new economic projections released by the fed, an overwhelming majority of fed governors, 13 of 17, predict rates will rise before the end of this year. the fed has two more opportunities, next month and in december, to pull the trigger. and if they do, mortgage rates will soon start rising right alongside them. >> pelley: senior business correspondent anthony mason, anthony, thanks very much. today, two more bodies were found in burned out homes in northern california. at least five people have been killed in two large wildfires that have destroyed more than 800 homes. and in utah, searchers found the last of seven hikers killed when floodwaters rushed through zion national park on monday. the hikers were trapped in a
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narrow canyon. about one million people were evacuated in chile after a magnitude 8.3 earthquake. at least 11 people were killed. there was fear of a tsunami but it turned out to be nothing serious. still, there was a small ocean surge along the entire coast of california. european leaders have called an emergency summit next week over the migrant crise. thousands are pouring in to europe, many of them fleeing the civil war in syria. they want to settle in germany, but hungary won't let them pass, and it's getting violent. here's charlie d'agata. >> reporter: hungarian riot police charged into the crowd, tensions boiling over, after days of trying to keep the migrants out. those caught in the stampede scrambled to get out of the way. a young mother sought help for her baby,ize swollen from tear gas. the little girl was struggling
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to breathe. is the baby going to be okay? >> yes, yes, yes. the baby will be okay. >> reporter: unlike hungary's brutal crackdown, neighboring croatia promised safe passage, but even with that good will, it was quickly overwhelmed. 9,000 migrants crossed in less than 24 hours. every time a bus arrives, the migrants rush to get on it. the riot police are trying to maintain some order, but the migrant are desperatto move on. adding to the chaos, police insisted that women and children be separated from the men, even if that meant splitting up families. once again, the migrants' route ahead is murky and out of their control. charlie d'agata, cbs news, croatia. >> pelley: a friend of the suspect in the charleston, south carolina church shooting was arrested a today.
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joey meek had been under investigation for failing to report a crime. meek has said that dylan roof stayed with him before the killing last june. roof is charged with killing nine people who welcomed him into a bible study at a suburb an black church. in irving, texas, this was the last dayed ahmed mohamed's suspension for bringing to school a clock he had built. the 14-year-old whiz kid said he wants to switch schools and eventually go to m.i.t. today, the president of m.i.t. tweeted that he is delighted. next month, ahmed is going to the white house at the invitation of the president. still ahead, will the flu shot work this year? american heroes are honored at the white house. and a medical breakthrough at the seattle aquarium when the cbs evening news continues. seems like we've hit a road block.
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>> pelley: it's time for flu shots again. million doses have been shipped as the c.d.c. tries to get ahead of the bug but how effective will it be? we asked dr. jon lapook. >> the calendar still says summer but 89-year-old angelina stamas is already thinking about the flu. >> wipes you out. you become a worn-out dish rag. >> reporter: she came to this clinic in arlington, massachusetts, for people 65 and older. those vaccinated here received a special high-dose vaccine four times stronger than the regular one. this could help older people mount a better immune response. >> and i think everybody should get it. i really do. >> reporter: the c.d.c. recommends flu vaccination for everyone six months and older. last year, the vaccination rate was only 47%. new research suggests vaccinating younger adults in a community helps reduce the rate of flu in the elderly. dr. kathleen neuzil is a vaccine
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researcher. >> for young and middle-aged healthy adults, protecting others should be as compelling a reason to get the influenza vaccine as protecting yourselves. >> reporter: last year, the vaccine was only 23% effective because the predominant strain mutated after the vaccine had already been manufactured. officials say this year's flu vaccine is well matched right now to circulating viruses. in a typical season, well-matched means about 50% to 60% effective. but the c.d.c. says even if you do come down with the flu after getting immunized, the case is likely to be less severe. and, scott, that's so important with an illness that can really be deadly. >> pelley: good advice. jon lapook, thank you very much, doctor. american airlines has had a major snafu and we'll have the details when we come back. we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression. and everywhere i look... i'm reminded to stick to my plan.
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every time you take advil you're taking the medicine doctors recommend most for joint pain. more than the medicine in aleve or tylenol. the medicine in advil is the number one doctor recommendation for joint pain. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil >> pelley: tough day for any passenger on american airlines. a computer problem delayed
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hundreds of flights at american's hubs in dallas, chicago, and miami. the problem was fixed in a couple of hours, though. president obama welcomed three heroes to the oval office today. left to right: alek skarlatos, anthony sadler, and spencer stone, the men who stopped a gunman on a train in france. mr. obama called them the very best of america, the kind of young people who make him optimistic. today, nasa shared new pictures of pluto. they reveal an atmosphere that's made up of more than a dozen thin, hazy layers and aun mountain range in striking detail. the photos were taken in july as the new horizons probe zoomed by. in "otter" news mishka is no longer breathless in seattle. she has asthma and smoke from wildfires was making it worse, so in a first, thraif trained mishka to take a hit from an
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>> reporter: there was a time when only men tackled the finer points of football drafts. >> i'm taking laman miller. >> oh! >> reporter: but now women are among the millions of new fans jumping off the sidelines and into the game of fantasy football. >> zeta beta's pick, demarco murray. >> reporter: these women were brought together by friends erica rosenberger and kim shyer. what was the draw for fantasy football for you? >> erica and i both are married and at the time were dating men who were obsessed with football and playedantasy themselves so we felt if you can't beat them, join them. >> reporter: this season a third of fantasy football players are women, up from 20% last year. their tailgating snacks of choice-- wine and cheese. but they also serve up plenty of bravado. >> i didn't draft him yet. he's still sitting in my queue. >> and at the end of the day we're doing what guys are doing.
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we want to do it with other women. >> reporter: this group of women has been at it for 12 years. >> antonio brown. >> dez bryant. >> the women know a tremendous amount, can't take anybody for granted. so for us, you have to do your homework. >> reporter: the wives often do that homework alongside their spows. >> how is your team doing? >> i'm losing all three of my games. >> reporter: what did your husbands think? your husbands suggest it. >> they're so psyched. >> reporter: for you? >> for themselves. they get to watch football without us complaining. >> reporter: a win-win for everyone. elaine quijano, cbs news, new york. >> pelley: no complaining. cbs sports coverage of the chiefs-broncos game begins one half hour from right now at 7:30 eastern, 6:30 central. and that is the cbs evening news for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
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protecting the pope, and the hundreds of thousands of people who plan to see him. good evening, and thanks for joining us. in just six days, we're going to see something like this right here in d.c. pope francis -- massive crowd of fans on the national mall. what you don't see here is the monumental task underway right --


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